Defect: Consumers who utilize the Stokke Steps Bouncer with the Stokke Steps Chair may find in some circumstances that the Steps Bouncer can detach from Steps Chair, posing a fall hazard to the child in the Steps Bouncer.
Although this potential issue only occurs when the Steps Bouncer is used in conjunction with the Steps Chair, not when used separately, it is important that consumers with affected product obtain and make the repairs associated with this recall.
Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using the Stokke® Steps Bouncer in combination with the Stokke® Steps Chair and go to to check whether their product is in the affected range. If the product is in the affected range, consumers should continue the registration process to receive instructions on how to receive a free repair kit for their product.
Contact details Please visit the above website for verification of product and registration or e-mail or call 877 978 6553 toll-free between 9 am and 8 pm ET for further information.