How should I carry my baby during the winter?

Customer Service

    Even during cold weather, you can wear your baby warmly and completely safely. Here are a few precautions to keep in mind:

    • Carry your baby as close as possible to your body if the temperatures are below zero to prevent them from getting cold. Your body heat is their best protection.
    • Wear your baby under a babywearing jacket or use a baby carrier blanket. The best way for you to keep each other warm is to reduce the number of layers of clothes between you.
    • Regularly check your baby's temperature by touching their neck.
    • Do not use your own body temperature as a guide. Your baby is not moving around as you are.
    • If you are wearing a scarf, pay attention not to cover your baby's face. Their nose should always be free, and you can use head supports and blankets arranged asymmetrically to create an opening.
    • All limbs open to the elements should be covered by a hat, a scarf and slippers, even leggings.
    • Be extra aware of slippery ground during the winter and ensure that you are wearing the right footwear.
    • When you enter a heated space, ensure that your baby is not too hot. In general, it is enough to remove the cover or babywearing jacket.