How much does YOYO® connect weigh?

Customer Service

    YOYO® connect is as light as YOYO®: 6.2 kg (13.7 lbs) in the 6+ version and 8.1 kg (17.9 lbs) with the bassinet.

    In the double setup, the total stroller weight is:

    - Twin setup:
    • bassinet/bassinet: 16.2 kg (35.7 lbs)
    • 6+ pack/6+ pack: 12.4 kg (27.3 lbs)

    - Sibling setup:
    • bassinet/6+ pack: 14.3 kg (31.5 lbs)
    • 6+ pack/bassinet: 14.3 kg (31.5 lbs)
    • 6+ pack/car seat: 15.9 kg (35.1 lbs)