Tripp Trapp® Accessories


  • Stokke™ Table Top兒童餐盤並不是防刮傷的,它的表面會被硬的或者尖的物體刮壞,同時會在一段時間之後在表面出現刮痕,這是產品的正常磨損。
  • 完整包裝Stokke™ Tripp Trapp® baby Set™ 嬰兒套件(6-36個月)的尺寸是43 x 19 x 22厘米. 重量0.75千克 產品使用時尺寸如下: 安全欄杆:寬度,從一端到另一端, 40厘米/深度,從前到後, 20厘米/高度,從欄杆頂端到座位, 20厘米. 靠背:寬35厘米/高22.5厘米.
  • 完整包裝時Stokke™ Tripp Trapp® Newborn Set™ (0-6個月)的尺寸是51 x 20 x 36 厘米. 重量2.5千克 產品使用時如下: 外殼:長50.5 厘米/寬35 厘米/高19.5 厘米. 內座:長"頭頂到腳尖" 41 厘米/最大深度(中心位置) 16 厘米
  • 歐洲/英國版Stokke™ Tripp Trapp® Newborn Set™初生嬰兒套件和美國的Tripp Trapp®成長椅是相配的。但是歐洲/英國版還不能在美國銷售,因為兩地的安全標準和測試方法不同。
  • Stokke™ Table Top兒童餐盤只能在水平光滑並且乾淨的表面上使用,否則吸盤就不能固定。如果您懷疑吸盤不能很好的使用,請在不同的表面上試用產品。
  • Stokke™ Table Top兒童餐盤的吸盤是一對一對包裝的,兩個吸盤在包裝為一組,請檢查是否您有兩組包裝。如果不是這種情況,請聯繫我們的客服,請通過以下網址選擇您所在的國家並且提供您的詳細位址等資訊:
  • Stokke™ Table Top兒童餐盤是用PETG (乙二醇改性的聚對苯二甲酸乙酯)製造的,不含有鄰苯二甲酸鹽,雙酚等有害物質,和食物一起使用是絕對安全的。
  • 在Stokke™ 的理念裡,孩子的安全和產品的安全是最優先考慮的,因此我們選擇PETG (聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇酯乙二醇)作為Stokke™ Table Top兒童餐盤的材料,這是一種完全可迴圈熱塑性塑膠,不含有鄰苯二甲酸鹽、雙酚等有害物質,用它進食是非常安全的。但選取了這種安全的材料會使餐盤不能防刮。它的表面會被硬的或者尖的物體破壞,並在一段時間之後顯示出來,這是產品的正常磨損。另外,PETG對熱水的抵抗也比別的熱塑性材料差,因此它不能在洗碗機裡清洗。
  • "如果您發現現在的Stokke® Tripp Trapp® Baby Set™嬰兒套件的腿部空隙對於您的孩子來說太緊,請確定正確調節了Tripp Trapp® 高腳椅(根據Tripp Trapp®用戶指南中的說明安裝座椅板),並且確認 Baby Set™ 嬰兒套件按照 Baby Set™ 嬰兒套件用戶指南中的說明正確安裝。 Tripp Trapp® 高腳椅和Baby Set™ 嬰兒套件的用戶指南可以在以下鏈接中下載: 註解:新款Stokke® Tripp Trapp® Baby Set™ 嬰兒套件通過了嚴格的試驗,在2011年引入歐洲之前,已經在美國使用了幾年,獲得了較高的顧客滿意度。 它是設計用於符合修改後的高腳椅國際安全標準(用於6到36個月兒童),適合壹般兒童。當然,也有壹些情況存在,例如兒童長得比壹般兒童快,在到達最大年齡之前由於長得過大而不適用於Baby Set™ 嬰兒套件。"

  • Stokke®餐盤與Stokke®嬰兒套件的”V2”或”V3”版本是兼容的。如果您的嬰兒套件護欄發麵的卡槽內有”V2”或”V3的標識(靠近兩側),那麼Stokke®餐盤與其匹配的。如果沒有標識,那麼這個嬰兒套件是V1版,很遺憾,它是與Stokke®餐盤不匹配的。

  • 安全扣有效的設計能更加有效的保證您寶寶坐在Tripp Trapp®上的安全性。我們建議您在第一次用使用產品前面,花費10分時間熟悉產品,正確地調整安全帶大小。請記住,因為您的孩子不斷地長大,請必須定期調整安全帶大小。最重要的是,切勿让孩子处于无人看守的情况下。

  • 托盤裝載重量不應超過5 kg/11 lbs。

  • 請查看這張展示如何安裝Stokke安全帶的影片。點擊這裏。

  • Stokke® Harness² is manufactured in China.

  • The Stokke® Harness² is crafted using Polypropylene.

  • You can use the Stokke® Harness² for your baby until they reach 15kg, which is approximately 3 years old.  

  • To maintain the Stokke® Harness², wipe it with a cloth after each use to promptly remove any food or spills and prevent potential staining.  
    Additionally, the product is washing machine safe up to 40°C/104°F. 

  • There are a few differences between the original Stokke® Harness and the new Stokke® Harness².  

    The Stokke® Harness² feels softer and provides a more comfortable experience. 

    While the original harness was easy to buckle and unbuckle, Stokke® Harness² is designed to be quicker and more intuitive. It has a quick-release button which allows you to release the harness in a matter of seconds.  

    Additionally, it's more straight forward to attach to the Tripp Trapp® Baby Set² for added convenience. 

  • No. The new Stokke® Harness² released in April 2024 is only compatible with the Tripp Trapp® Baby Set², also released in April 2024. 

    However, the original Tripp Trapp® Baby Set can still be used with the previous Stokke® Harness, and the latter will remain available as a spare part for some time.

    Compatibility matrix

  • The harness featuring the round beige buckle (with the Stokke logo) is only compatible with Tripp Trapp® Baby Set2 units, which were produced after April 2024.  

    The harness with the white buckle (without the Stokke logo) is suitable to use with all Tripp Trapp® Baby Sets. 

    Compatibility matrix

  • Begin by attaching the back straps of the Stokke® Harness² to the back part of the Tripp Trapp® Baby Set² by threading the ends through the sparings on the back of the Baby Set. You can then clip the Baby Set onto the backrest of the Tripp Trapp® Chair. 

    Next, take the ends of the crotch strap of the harness and thread it through the sparing on the front rail of the Baby Set. You can then securely click the front rail into the Tripp Trapp® chair onto the seat plate. 

    For a more detailed explanation, along with visual diagrams, refer to the user guide available on the Stokke® Harness² page on 

  • Before using the Stokke Harness² for the first time, we encourage you to review the user guide to familiarize yourself with the product and make proper adjustments. Keep in mind that as your child is growing, regular readjustments of the Stokke® Harness² are necessary.  

    Most importantly, never leave your child unattended. 

  • No, it is not safe to use the harness without the Baby Set. The Stokke® Harness² needs to be attached to the Tripp Trapp® Baby Set² for the safest use. 

  • The harness should always be used in conjunction with the Tripp Trapp® Baby Set², which has a weight limit of 15 kg (roughly 3 years at most). This serves as the limit for the harness as well. This means that you cannot use the Stokke® Harness² with older children. 

  • The Tripp Trapp® Baby Cushion is not compatible with the Stokke® Harness². Please refrain from using them together. 

  • The Tripp Trapp® Baby Set² is manufactured in the Netherlands. 

  • The seat plate should be placed in groove 1, and the recommended position for the footplate is groove 5. However, you should adjust the footplate according to the child's size. 

  • All Stokke Trays for Tripp Trapp® fit the new Tripp Trapp® Baby Set².   

  • We recommend cleaning with warm water and mild soap immediately after use to remove food and spills and prevent potential staining. The plastic components of the Baby Set are dishwasher safe. 

  • If you notice the leg space of the plastic Tripp Trapp® Baby Set² is too tight for your child, ensure the Tripp Trapp® chair is correctly adjusted (with the seat plate installed per the Tripp Trapp® user guide) and the Baby Set is fitted according to the instructions in the Baby Set user guide.

    Both user guides can be found on 

    In general, the Tripp Trapp® Baby Set² adheres to stringent testing and meets international safety standards for high chairs (for use between 6 and 36 months). It is designed to accommodate the average child. Stokke complies with safety regulations which set a maximum size for allowed leg openings. 

    Of course, it may well happen in some cases that a child grows faster than the norm and outgrows the Baby Set before it reaches the maximum age advertised. 

  • Of course! That is what we recommend.  

    Although not in line with the Tripp Trapp® seating philosophy, Stokke offers an optional harness. The Stokke® Harness should only be used with the Tripp Trapp® Baby Set. When the child can climb up and down the chair independently, the Baby Set and harness should be removed.