Stokke® YOYO®
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- Stokke® Xplory® 婴童车
- Stokke® Xplory® X
- Stokke® Xplory® Accessories
- Stokke® YOYO®
- Stokke® YOYO® Accessories
- Stokke® Beat™
- Stokke® Crusi™
- Stokke® Scoot嬰童車
- Stokke® Trailz
- Stokke® Izi Go Modular™ by BeSafe®
- Stokke® IZiGo™ by BeSafe®汽车儿童座椅
- Stokke® MyCarrier™嬰兒揹帶
- Stokke® Yoga™
- Stokke® Snoozi™
- Stokke® Sleepi™嬰兒床
- Stokke® Sleepi™ Mattress & Textiles
- Stokke® Sleepi™ Dresser, Changer, Changing table
- Stokke® Flexi Bath™摺疊式浴盆
- Stokke® Bounce 'n' Sleep™搖搖睡床套件
- Stokke® MuTable™ V2
- Stokke® MuTable™ V1
- JetKids by Stokke® CloudSleeper™
- JetKids by Stokke® Bedbox™
- JetKids by Stokke® Crew Backpack
- Stokke® Limas™
- Stokke® Care™萬用桌
- Stokke® Home™ Cradle
- Stokke® Home™ Bed
- Stokke® Home™ Mattress & Textiles
- Stokke® Home Dresser & Stokke® Home Changer
- Stokke® Warranty
- Stokke® iZi Go Modular™ X1 by BeSafe®
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> Is YOYO® comfortable?
Very comfortable, thanks to its Hytrel® elastomer suspensions on all 4-wheel, offering unparalleled flexibility and cushioning. YOYO® offers:
- in the newborn pack version, a three-position pop-up canopy, a fully flat reinforced mattress, a soft headrest, a fluffy footrest and a closeable ventilation window.
- in the bassinet version, a ventilated shell and canopy, with a comfortable, breathable 4.5 cm (1.8 in) double mattress.
- in the 6+ version, a well-padded seat with a multi-position recline, a 5-points harness, an extendable canopy with a closeable window, a footrest, a comfortable head pillow and straps in breathable material..
> YOYO®容易操縱嗎?
超級方便,憑藉其專利的「軟驅動」系統,即使在崎嶇的地形上也無需鎖定前輪。 用一隻手操縱方向,您的YOYO®就可以去任何地方,讓您可以用另一隻手握住雨傘或孩子的手。
> YOYO®實用嗎?
YOYO® 是一款讓世界各地父母的生活更輕鬆的嬰兒車。YOYO® 憑藉其創紀錄的尺寸,可以存放在任何地方。它知道如何消失在餐館里並鑽進小電梯。摺疊車把,YOYO® 可以進入地鐵十字轉門下方,其扶手設計方便爬樓梯時握住。當YOYO®摺疊后,可以肩背,伴您環遊世界!
> YOYO®可以帶上飛機嗎?
是的*!摺疊后的YOYO®嬰兒車的尺寸(52 x 44 x 18釐米/20.5 x 17.3 x 7.1 英寸)等於或小於大多數航空公司的隨身行李限額。對於旅行的父母來說,這是一場革命。建議將YOYO®放在作為配件出售的背包中,或放在已提供的保護袋中。
* 自 2012 年起,YOYO® 嬰兒車(摺疊尺寸 52 x 44 x 18 釐米/20.5 x 17.3 x 7.1 英寸)被大多數航空公司接受或認可為隨身行李。然而,隨身行李標準可能因航空公司而異,因此我們建議您在旅行前諮詢您選擇的航空公司,瞭解最新適用的隨身行李限額。
> YOYO®折叠和展开是否困难?
> How do you fold YOYO® when equipped with car seat adapters?
The upper part of the adapters remains clipped to the car seat. The lower part (with a white button) can stay on the armrests of the stroller when YOYO® is folded.
> How do you carry YOYO® when folded?
On the shoulder, thanks to its comfortable, padded shoulder strap in mesh, putting the wheels outwards and the hood against you. By hand, hold it by the chrome handle. And when you unfold YOYO®, the strap automatically slots into the basket.
> Is YOYO® freestanding when folded?
Yes, YOYO® can stand on its own when folded.
> Can you fold the handlebar on YOYO® ?
Yes, the handlebar folds easily, which allows YOYO® to go under the turnstiles of the metro and take up minimal space in a restaurant. In the bassinet and newborn pack versions, YOYO® can turn into a baby changing facility.
> What is the maximum weight supported by YOYO®?
YOYO+ is designed to accommodate a child weighing up to 18 kg (39.7 lbs).
YOYO² is designed to accommodate a child weighing up to 22 kg (48.5 lbs).
YOYO³ is designed to accommodate a child weighing up to 22 kg (48.5 lbs).However, maximum weight allowance varies for the following locations:
- 15 kg (33.1 lbs): Israel and Taiwan.
- For AMERICA (United States & Canada) only YOYO³ and YOYO®² US10111 are designed to accommodate a child weighing up to 22 kg (48.5 lbs). -
> What is YOYO® made of?
Frame and wheel axles are in aluminum, stainless steel and high-performance technical plastics. Our packaging is made from recycled cardboard, without any glue and is printed with soy ink.
> Are the YOYO® fabrics compatible with all YOYO® frames?
Yes! The YOYO® 6+ fabrics are compatible with all YOYO® frames. Textiles in the newborn pack and the bassinet are only compatible with frames equipped with a reversible backrest.
> Are the fabrics washable?
Yes, all YOYO® fabrics, including the basket and 6+ seat cover, are very easy to remove and are machine washable at 30°C.
The fitted sheet, mattress, foot cover, and canopy of the bassinet are also machine washable at 30°C. -
> Are the fabrics treated with any chemicals?
The chemical safety of YOYO® products complies with the Stokke RSL (Restricted Substances List), which sets the industry benchmark for the highest level of chemical substance control. This ensures that all components on YOYO® products meets or exceeds all relevant safety standards and regulations related to chemical content.
> Can you change colors easily?
Yes, as the 6+, bassinet and newborn pack are sold separately, you can change the color on a whim. These fabrics are interchangeable on all YOYO® frames, except those that cannot accommodate reversible backrests.
> How do you lock the front wheels for off-road use?
With YOYO®, there's no need to block the front wheels! The wheels are fitted with the patented 'Soft-Drive' system which eliminates the steering drag of rough terrain.
> Is YOYO® equipped with a brake?
Yes in "push-push" mode, with a pedal design which simplifies use.
> Are the straps of the 5-point harness adjustable?
Yes, in the 6+ version, the harness straps can be adjusted to four different positions, while two positions on the newborn pack. The bassinet does not feature a harness.
> Does YOYO® bassinet fit on every version of YOYO®?
YOYO® bassinet attaches to YOYO³, YOYO² and YOYO+ using the included adapters.
> Can YOYO® be folded with the bassinet adapters attached?
Yes, YOYO® can be folded and unfolded with the bassinet adapters attached.
> Can YOYO® bassinet be folded?
YOYO® bassinet can be disassembled into two parts for optimal storage (48 cm x 44 cm x 30 cm when disassembled), but it does not fold when it is on the frame. To fold YOYO®, simply remove the bassinet and carry it by hand, and fold the stroller frame, which can be carried on the shoulder.
> Why doesn't the handlebar lock when YOYO® is folded?
The YOYO® handlebar does not lock so that the YOYO® stroller remains easy to unfold without the need to simultaneously operate the white buttons. According to our user guide, it is recommended to carry the YOYO® with the folded handlebar facing the user.
> Can the reversible backrest remain on the frame in the YOYO® bassinet configuration?
The reclining backrest is not required in the bassinet configuration, however it may remain on the frame if necessary.
> What are the dimensions of the folded and unfolded YOYO®?
Like the size of an airplane cabin luggage: 52 x 44 x 18 cm (20.5 x 17.3 x 7.1 in). Needless to say it fits very easily in the trunk of a small car, but also under a train seat and, of course, in the overhead compartment on the plane*. Its unfolded dimensions are:
- In the newborn pack and 6+ versions: 106 x 44 x 86 cm (41.7 x 17.3 x 33.9 in)
- In the bassinet version: 106 x 44 x 96 cm (41.7 x 17.3 x 37.8 in)
* Since 2012, the YOYO® strollers (folded dimensions 52 x 44 x 18 cm / 20.5 x 17.3 x 7.1 in) are accepted or recognized as cabin luggage by most airline companies. However, cabin luggage standards may vary according to the airline and we therefore recommend checking with your chosen airline before travelling for the latest applicable cabin luggage allowance.
> How much does YOYO® weigh?
6.2 kg (13.7 lbs) for YOYO® in 6+ version.
6.6 kg (14.6 lbs) for YOYO® in newborn pack version.
8.1 kg (17.9 lbs) for YOYO® in bassinet version.
A record for an all-in-one city stroller that can be upgraded from birth onwards!
> What is the capacity of the YOYO® basket?
The basket on YOYO³ can carry up to 10kg when the one on YOYO² and YOYO+ can carry up to 5 kg (11 lbs) and its shape makes it very accessible from the front and the rear.
> Does the backrest of the YOYO® 6+ stroller recline?
Yes, the 6+ has a multi-position reclining backrest.
> YOYO® 面料防水嗎?
YOYO® 嬰兒車所使用的紡織品符合 Stokke 紡織品性能測試要求。其中包括色牢度、洗滌類比、耐磨性、光照、防水性和紫外線防護的全球標準,確保所有YOYO®嬰兒車的紡織品具有高品質。
> YOYO® 嬰兒車經過測試嗎?
YOYO® 嬰兒車還經過歐洲嬰兒車標準手柄耐用性測試,超過 13,300 次迴圈。該測試類比了現實生活中的場景,例如在路邊上下行走,以確保嬰兒車在整個使用壽命期間的高品質。
> 哪些 YOYO® 配件與 YOYO³ 相容?
> Can you buy Stokke® YOYO® accessories for your BABYZEN YOYO?
Yes, all Stokke® YOYO® accessories are compatible with BABYZEN YOYO and vice versa.
> What is the difference between Stokke® YOYO® products and BABYZEN YOYO products?
BABYZEN company was acquired by Stokke in 2021 and all products are being rebranded with Stokke®. All products are compatible with each other and manufactured to the same exacting standards.
> Is YOYO® under warranty?
YOYO³ frame comes with a 2 year warranty on which you can add a third year by registering your frame on If you buy your stroller from, the third year of warranty will be automatically added. YOYO² and all other YOYO® products come with a 2 year warranty.